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ClockOnline stops, founder joins Floriday

Marco Stolze has shut down ClockOnline. He has joined Royal FloraHolland, where he will further develop Floriday's so-called direct bidding.

Marco founded ClockOnline in 2016. It's 'Today for Tomorrow' auctioning made it innovative, making the process more efficient. However, the supply kept growing. He had to choose: continue expanding, attract new investment, and launch a 'ClockOnline 2.0'. Or start using his knowledge and skills directly for the cooperative. Marco gradually gravitated toward the second option.

"It was a hard choice. ClockOnline was my baby," he says. "But times were turbulent: first the pandemic, and now the whole energy story. The market uncertainty supported the argument to stop. The workload was also huge. At the same time, Floriway is continually being developed. All these factors played a role."

"ClockOnline and KPS Sales (also being discontinued) transactions all ran via FloraHolland. The goal was never to have an own platform or to go against the cooperative. We wanted to get higher grower prices and serve all buying parties. Horticulture runs through my veins, so, for me, it's vital to strengthen the sector," Marco concludes.

As Floriday Direct bidding's new Business Owner, he will be responsible for further shaping the platform's direct bidding.

For more information:
Marco Stolze
Email: [email protected]