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Review of relationship day growers' cooperative Touch Me+

Breeders, growers, and trade relations met during the sixth relationship day of growers' cooperative Touch Me+. More work is being done in ecosystems, and we cannot do it alone, as Guido Thys knows: "There are too many factors in this complex world to do it alone, keep looking around you."

At Restaurant Wollebrand last Thursday, 24 November, associates were welcomed by chairman Gertjan Sosef. Besides the presentation by speaker and cross-thinker Guido Thys, there were also presentations by Royal FloraHolland and Floriday. Mark Zijlstra of Royal Floraholland told those present about the latest market developments in the field of plants and, in particular, the Primula Obconica. His presentation revealed that 85 percent of sales of Priumula Obconica are realized between weeks 1 and 13. This makes it a unique bloomer in these often dark days. Floriday's Joery van Leest and Diede Barendse then updated the buyers and growers on the latest features.

After the various presentations, growers talked extensively with customers over snacks and drinks. A nice moment as the Sweet Kisses season gets off to a leisurely start.

About Touch Me+
Touch Me+ is a collaboration between breeder Schoneveld Breeding Breeding and six growers: SV.CO, Gevers Planten, Ammerlaan-Sosef, Loos Plants, Berkhout Planten and Gebr. Grootscholten. Primula Obconicas from Touch Me+ are sold under the Sweet Kisses brand. They work together on the quality, product, and concept development of these cheerful spring bloomers.

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