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The Netherlands to be host country at ExpoPlantas in Bogotá

Colombia, as a flower exporter, has been among the global leaders for decades, but recently the potted plant sector has also been on the rise. Therefore, ExpoPlantas is hosting the Netherlands as an invited country in Bogotá from September 20-22, 2023. The exhibition participation is organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and the Agriculture Council of the Dutch Embassy in Bogotá, in collaboration with the Holland House Colombia. With an impressive country pavilion, the Netherlands will have a prominent role among the expected 100 exhibitors.

A fast-growing sector
According to Colviveros, the sector in Colombia has more than 3,000 growers and producers of live plants and ornamental plants. About 1,950 hectares are used for production concentrated mainly in the departments: Cundinamarca (65%), Antioquia (20%), and Eje Cafetero, Valle del Cauca and other regions of the country (15%). The domestic market is estimated at 35 million euros. Furthermore, exports are increasing more than 20% annually. Companies such as Bromelias de Colombia, Darwin Colombia, Plantas del Tambo and Vivero Tierra Negra are doing well in markets such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Japan. The Netherlands is the fifth destination in this list.

The Netherlands as a reference
ExpoPlantas 2023 is the platform for the Colombian nursery sector, where national and international supply and demand for live plants and ornamental plants in Colombia meet. It is the perfect place for Dutch companies dedicated to the production of material, innovative concepts and packaging.

Opportunities are for, among others:

Production of plant material

- For live plants phalaenopsis, poinsettias, Begonia Elathios, Kalanchoe, and other species
- For ornamental plants such as trees, shrubs, plants of the family Poaceae, Dracaena fragrans, Dracaena marginata, Cyperus alternifolius, Bromelia aechmea, Bromelia guzmania, Dieffenbachia ssp, Maranta leuconeura, Cyclamen, and other types of ornamental plants
- For the cultivation of fruit crops

Input to the sector
- Seeds and seedlings
- Fertilizers, pesticides, substrates, and other inputs
- Flower pots
- Seedling pots
- Greenhouse construction technology and equipment
- Truss arch and grafting clips and truss supports

Innovative concepts
- Cultivation innovation with devices or software
- Vertical crops
- Research into new plant phenotypes
- Plant breeding
- Packaging systems
- Reusable packaging for live plants
- Packaging to slow down plant moisture loss

Participation and costs
The Dutch Embassy, in collaboration with the Holland House Colombia, will set up a Netherlands Pavilion of approximately 72 m2 in order to offer the largest possible group of Dutch companies the opportunity to participate. The following options will be offered:
- Individual stands of 12 m2: € 1,100 per stand
- Individual stands of 8 m2: € 800 per stand
- Individual stands of 4 m2: € 400 per stand
- Participation through the shared NL Lounge at € 150 per company

These rates include the complete basic set-up (structure/walls, logo, table and chairs, lighting and power supply) and exclude VAT. Other elements - if fitting into the Netherlands Pavilion concept - can be added in consultation.

Part of the mission program includes field visits and a networking session in the NL Lounge.

Costs for travel and accommodation are at your own expense. For suggestions regarding your travel and accommodation, please contact Holland House Colombia.

Register here until July 14 at the latest.

Landbouwraad Bogotá
Nederlandse Ambassade Colombia
Leontine Crisson
+57 1 6384222
[email protected]  

Holland House Colombia
Jan Willem van Bokhoven
+57 1 7449566
[email protected]  


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