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Argument: sustainability

NL: Hospital group replaces flowers for artificial flowers

Noordwest Hospital Group is replacing flowers with artificial flowers. According to the sustainability program manager of the hospital group, with branches in Alkmaar, Heerhugowaard, and Den Helder, among others, this is a sustainable choice.

Marco Lagrand, sustainability program manager at Noordwest Hospital Group, says the following about it. "It is so deeply rooted in our culture to have a nice bunch of flowers on the table. Unfortunately, fresh flowers are not sustainable. A bunch of carnations quickly consumes 1.3 kg of CO2, which is equivalent to driving 15 km by car. In addition, growing flowers require fertilizers and pesticides that pollute groundwater, ditches, and rivers. In Africa (where the Netherlands imports many flowers from), growing flowers causes water scarcity. And if you think about it, after a few days, the flowers are thrown away, and the memory of the underlying intention is also gone!"

Marco: "Noordwest Hospital Group, therefore, wants to set a good example and looks critically at the use of flowers. We now only place artificial #Reflower flowers onwards, which are durable, more hygienic, and for sensitive patients, it prevents hay fever complaints and similar indications."

He continued: "In our hospital shop too, we will soon switch to a pilot to sell and rent only artificial flowers. It's exciting but necessary to start the movement. Discussions are still ongoing for jubilees, but in addition to the traditional bunch of flowers, we already have the choice of a tree gift. Instead of using CO2, this is a gift that absorbs CO2!"

Source: LinkedIn

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