"1300 Years ago, people reacted, 'Watch out, the Vikings are landing!' Today, it's 'Look out for the Vikings, they are landing, delivering beauty and happiness in Scandinavian design!," says John Pouw of Viking Roses. "After some early successes, the floral art and design department in Denmark is now experiencing a breakthrough under creative director 'Ruthless Rosa.' Her new creations are finding their way to prominent producers in the industry, and they can soon be found in homes with a preference for artistic Scandinavian design", he continues.
"One look, one smell, and the nonsense of plastic flowers is made history," says Rosa, "Vikings can be grown with a minimal footprint and maximum satisfaction."
As a very early environmentalist, already over 25 years ago, she and her spouse 'Thirsty Harley' took over a fellow Danish breeder known for disease resistance. As such, her following generations of Forever® and Infinity® pot roses, Plant'n Relax® garden roses, and after that, the Viking cut roses were 100% disease resistant. However, trials at higher altitudes proved that most of the first-generation Vikings lost considerable length, Pouw explains. "Some of the resistance was then sacrificed by introducing different bloodlines in the breeding, bringing length to the vibrant colors, big-flowered garden types."
"Intensive selection has resulted in the present invasion of healthy introductions of premium garden sprays, packed and sold per 3 stems in a bunch. In addition, the first standards have been introduced too. Kenyan farms are followed by Ecuadorian in controlled plantings for international top florists."
Below are some of the Viking Roses' Rosa Loves Me® collection:
Rosa Loves Me® Under the Stars, and Rosa Loves Me® Celebrating Heather
Rosa Loves Me® Yes, I Do, and Rosa Loves Me® In My Dreams
Rosa Loves Me® under a Majestic Sunrise and Rosa Loves Me® Beyond Venus
Rosa Loves Me® Lost in Pink, and Rosa Loves Me® Paula's Champagne Delight
Full story on new website
The full story of the new Vikings can be found on their new website, where John is 'Jolly Johnny.' Together with 'Ruthless Rosa' and 'Thirsty Harley' he sets sail again to conquer the world. "This time around, less bloodthirsty, but still driven by passion and strength."
Eager to see the Viking Roses and meet the Viking Roses' team in real life? Next month, from November 8-10, they will be exhibiting at the IFTF in Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands (stand nr: B2.24)
For more information:
John Pouw
Viking Roses
[email protected]