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AIPH presents its Garden and Pavilion at Expo Doha Qatar 2023

The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) is a global organization uniting thousands of growers of flowers and ornamental plants. We are the approving body of International Horticultural Expos, such as Expo Doha Qatar 2023.

As the world's champion for the power of plants, our common goal is to promote the importance of plants in our lives. The AIPH Garden and Pavilion at Expo Doha Qatar 2023 is the perfect place for visitors to discover the fascinating world of horticulture and the transformative impact of plants on our lives and the planet's wellbeing.

Taking a walk through the AIPH garden at Expo Doha 2023, you can let yourself be surprised by a playful labyrinth structure inspired by local fishermen's nets in Qatar. The AIPH gallery is a geometric, asymmetrical structure combining the game of shade and light, ready to unfold the discovery of horticulture for everyone.

The pavilion structure was designed to create micro-climates, and the plants were selected to respond to the different climates.

Islands of various plant groups create small oases for relaxation, observation, and learning. The structure creates an impression of a half-indoor and half-outdoor environment, where visitors can imagine how their own gardens could look. An outdoor garden with night flowering plants completes the space.

The Garden and Pavilion feature six main storylines:

  • Ornamental Horticulture: The trail provides an explanation of what ornamental horticulture is and how it differs from agriculture.
  • Journey to Market: This track features the plants' journey to market, from breeding to young plants, production, and trading. It also showcases how flower and plant producers promote sustainable horticulture practices that prioritize the environment. These involve using eco-friendly methods, reducing waste, and conserving resources.
  • The Power of Plants: Showcases "The Power of Plants" by highlighting the significant impact of horticulture on our lives and the environment. Through plants as exhibits, video displays, and explanatory notes, the pavilion educates visitors about the vital role of plants in providing healthy environments, promoting biodiversity, and providing solutions to climate-related city challenges. It emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices in horticulture and inspires visitors to appreciate and protect the natural world.
  • Plant Collection: The gallery hosts over 300 plant pots featuring over 50 plant varieties. They showcase plant groups according to their characteristics and function:
    • Edible plants
    • Lush tropical plants
    • Desert plants
    • Night flowering plants

Additionally, plants on the "Checkers wall," plant photo zone, hydroponic installations, and centrepiece plants. Those were selected for their visual effects as well as their adaptive capacity to thrive in direct sunlight.

AIPH plant collections are there to highlight the importance of plants in revitalizing desert environments, conserving water resources, and reducing and reversing desertification. Plants are vital for a healthy environment, purifying air, conserving water, and reducing erosion.

  • History of AIPH: The Association was founded in 1948 and thrives today with growing membership and initiatives! One of those is the AIPH Green City Programme, which encourages policymakers to actively use plants for their functional benefits while designing cities of tomorrow.
  • Expo Movement: Building on the global success of World Expos, Horticultural Expos started in 1960, and their main goal is the education of the public. In the case of Horticultural Expos, it's the education of the public on the many benefits of living green.

Visitors can discover how ornamental horticulture can positively impact the economy, health and wellbeing, ecology, and climate. The garden and pavilion have a special trail for children to learn about the practical uses of ornamental plants.

Elena Terekhova, AIPH Pavilion, and Garden Director says: "While you are sleeping, they are awake, often at 4 am. They call a place where plants grow a "nursery," maybe because their plants are like their children. They constantly rethink logistics always to deliver fresher, smarter, and more gorgeous."

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