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New HilverdaFlorist greenhouse fully automated to ensure optimal conditions in every growth stage

The state-of-the-art new greenhouse of HilverdaFlorist is specifically designed for growing young plants, fully automated, to ensure optimal conditions for the cuttings at every stage of growth. From precise watering and fertilization to ideal climate control, the greenhouse is equipped with everything necessary for success. The facility is divided into 11 separate compartments, each of which can be independently managed using the advanced Priva Connext climate computer. Priva Operator enables HilverdaFlorist to access greenhouse data and settings from any smart device in real-time, which allows them to directly adjust strategies remotely.

From their specific roles, Arthur Koekkoek - director of operations, R&D, and supply chain, and Nico Reijm - deputy director of production, underline the added value of Priva and Stolze's mutual cooperation and their planned and structured approach in advising them as end customers. Acting as a sparring partner for investments, as an advisor & knowledge base to arrive at the desired cultivation strategy, and offering corresponding solutions & configuration.

For more information:
[email protected]

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