Effect of ethylene and pulsing solutions effect on longevity of Canadian goldenrod stems
The first experiment consisted of ethylene application in the following concentrations: 0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 μl/L for 12 h.
The second experiment consisted of different solutions: Flower®, Floralife®, Florissant®, chlorine and distilled water, pulsing for 24 h.
The concentrations of ethylene did not affect the longevity of the flowers. Treatments with Floralife®, Flower®, distilled water, Florissant® and chlorine achieved a longevity of 11.75, 11.00, 10.75, 9.75 and 7.25 days, respectively. The Flower® solution had similar longevity to that obtained with distilled water and Floralife® and, it also allowed the hydration of the stems longer.
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