IPM Dubai in full swing
Nico Kortekaas and Ruud Emmerik at the IPM Dubai.
According to Emmerik, there are many Asian and Africa products on display. "The African rose especially is well represented, but there are not that many Dutch growers at this show. This is a pity, there are so much opportunities here for the Dutch plant growers," says Emmerik.
Nico Kortekaas talking with a visitor at the show.
"By attending this exhibition, you can learn something about floriculture from another side," says Emmerik. "Different cultures, different point of views, people from all over the world. We, together with the few Dutch - some orchid growers, some propagators and some substrate suppliers- over here agree with the fact that not much attention is given to this show by the Dutch. The exclusive segment especially is worth seeing."
Pictures of Nico Kortekaas and Ruud Emmerik were directly sent to our editors from the exhibition in Dubai.