US: LSU AgCenter names top bedding plants in 2015 Trials
Most gardeners realize many new plants are introduced to the marketplace each year. Some perform well in our south Louisiana heat and humidity, and some do not. Efforts at the Hammond trial gardens help nursery growers, commercial landscapers, retail garden centers, Master Gardeners and home gardeners by providing information on the best-performing of these new plants. Some evaluated plants may eventually become Louisiana Super Plants.
The top 10 new bedding plant varieties for 2016 that were proven best landscape trials in 2015 include the Valiant series vinca (periwinkle), Double Yellow Zahara zinnia, BabyWing Red and BabyWing Bicolor begonias, the lime and black foliage varieties in the SolarPower series of ornamental sweet potatoes, Easy Wave Silver petunia, Cannova Lemon canna, the Flame Thrower series of coleus and Jolt Pink dianthus.
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