Early bird tickets AIPH International Grower of the Year Awards
Tickets prices
Individual: €170 (Regular €190)
Group: €150 (Regular €170)
+ VAT per person
(Minimum 1 table of 10 seats)
Award finalists
Ornamental growers from Canada, China, Germany, Netherlands, Turkey, UK and USA are finalists in the Awards: Arcadia Chrysanten - Netherlands, Costa Farms - USA, Dashun International Flower - China, Dutchmaster Nurseries - Canada, Flash Tarim Urunleri (Flash Flowers) -Turkey, Florensis - Germany/Netherlands, Kunming Hongzhihua Gardening - China, Majestic Trees - UK and Shanghai Yuanyi Seedling - China.
Gold Rose
Bronze, Silver and Gold will be awarded, where applicable, to each category - Finished Plants & Trees, Young Plants and Cut Flowers. Each of the category winners will be judged for the final and most prestigious award – the Gold Rose, awarding them the global status of AIPH International Grower of the Year.
AIPH Secretary General, Tim Briercliffe said: “We invite growers, traders, suppliers, retailers, business leaders and all those linked to the ornamental horticulture industry to join us at this momentous horticultural occasion. Do make use of this early-bird discount to ensure you don’t miss out.”
The Awards Gala Dinner is held in partnership with Headline Sponsor, FloraHolland and Founding Partner, FloraCulture International.
For more information:
Tim Briercliffe, AIPH Secretary General
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 118 9308956
Mobile: +44 (0) 7885 750324
Website: www.aiph.org