The Terra Plugs are made by loose filling the propagation trays and stabilizing the media. "The uniform density within the Terra Plug from top to bottom promotes the plant to root throughout the media, allowing for better access and utilization of water and nutrient inputs", said Rapaka.
He added that, "each tray of Terra Plugs comes ready-to-use with ideal moisture content. The customizable Terra Plug and tray designs make the sorting and grading of rooted plugs compatible with our customers’ specific propagation processes to make potting easy, whether manually or with automatic transplanters. Moreover, the system allows for a custom media mix based on water needs and other crop-specific requirements."

OASIS is expanding its hydroponics catalog by the year
As well as this, the bonding technology allows customized sizing of plugs. This makes them very interesting for almost any cutting or seed propagation. "The uniform density within the plug allows rooting throughout the media from top to bottom", added Rapaka. "This enables an early transplant even before the plants are well rooted.
The bonded material controls the water release and does not dry out too fast. According to Oasis, the media does not shrink, and it's easy to rewater. As it stays in the same condition it makes the plugs very suitable for automation. Also because they come very easily out of the trays."
For more information :
OASIS Grower Solutions
Vijay Rapaka
[email protected]
919 Marvin Street
Kent, OH 44240 USA
T: 800-321-8286, or 330-673-5831