Flower Expo Poland ready for take-off
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Participating companies
Growers, exporters and suppliers of added value from 13 countries worldwide, give their appearance. The last entry of Coop del Golfo means that also Italy is represented. A wide variety of products will be shown to the public. The exhibitors list can be found on the www.flowerexpo.pl. The enthusiasm for participation is due to the growth the Polish economy show and the change in consumer behaviour: as wages rise, there is increasing interest in luxury products, like flowers and plants.
Seminar Programme
During the first two days of the fair, only professionals are allowed on the expo floor. To share knowledge with trade visitors a special seminar program is being set up together with the organizers of Green is Life, the exhibition which takes place simultaneously and focuses on outdoor green. Especially interesting for traders of flowers and plants will be the subjects: Logistics, IntoGreen, Floral Trends and Consumer Segmentation. The program is downloadable via http://bit.ly/Flexpo16SideProgram.
Floral Designer and students on stage
Since the florist is an important link in the value chain, particularly in Poland as over 70% of the sales is through the florist channel, an extensive floral demonstration program is set up. The floral designers Tomasz Max Kuczyński, Johan Martens, Kinga Czekajewska, Jagoda Glowinska, Iza Tkaczyk and Laura Belabrovik will perform on stage. Floral schools will send two students per school to participate in a contest. They will make a head decoration that matches a dress of Gerberas which will be made. On Saturday, special attention will be paid to the international floral trends of autumn and winter 2016, presented by trendwatcher Aafje Nijman (Bloomtube).
Floral Dress in ‘Dutch Flower Week’
In collaboration with the Dutch Embassy in Warsaw, a floral dress will be made out of 750 Gerberas, sponsored by the promotional group ‘Coloured by Gerbera’. The lady who will be dressed with these arhetypical flowers will walk around alternately in the busiest shopping center in Eastern Europe "Arcadia" and at the fair to promote all horticultural activities that wil be organized that week. Also a trip to explore the Polish market is organized by Sense Marketing & More (Paul Ras). On top of that the Embassy organizes a networking reception for the Dutch participants of both fairs.
Partners & Ambassadors
The exhibition is supported by the Dutch Embassy in Warsaw, Sigma International, Kuehne+Nagel, Bronisze Wholesale Market in Warsaw, Florint International Florist Organisation, the Polish Florist Association (Stowarzyszenie Florystów Polskich), Bloomtube, Chrysal and the Dutch Association of Wholesalers in Floricultural Products (VGB).
Join the expo?
Visitors can pre-register their visit on www.flowerexpo.pl. For more info please contact the expo manager Dianne Ramakers via [email protected] or 0031- (0) 71- 870 10 68.
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