NL: Hugs and Kisses launched as new concept for garden roses
Strong, healthy roses
“The Hugs and Kisses are very strong, disease-free roses. They have are rich and abundantly flowering, and they have a delicious fragrance”, continues Erik Rijnbeek. Rijnbeek leads the company in Boskoop together with his twin brother. “The Hugs and Kisses-roses bloom throughout the summer, from June to September. This new line of roses is very strong because they are not susceptible to frost or diseases”.
Market-orientated production
Nursery Robert Rijnbeek is the only nursery in the Netherlands which cultivates the Persica Roses, covering a total production area of two hectares. Besides the Hugs and Kisses, also Magnolia, Hamamelis, Viburnum and Campsis are grown. The twin brothers John and Erik Rijnbeek have been leading the company since 2014. Focus points for the future are market-orientated production, crop specialization and creating distinctiveness.
For more information:
Boomkwekerij Robert Rijnbeek
Erik Rijnbeek
T: 0031 (0) 6 42 10 66 50
E: [email protected]