Unrest at Royal van Zanten locations in Uganda
Sylvia Nakamya, a local manager of the company, told Ugandan news outlet Daily Monitor that the workers possibly got in contact with a sulfuric substance. After application of this substance, which is used in the greenhouse to combat pests and other diseases, no one is allowed into the greenhouse for 5 days. Now though, that reportedly has occurred.
Henk Jacobs, managing director of Royal van Zanten, confirms the incident to us. "On October 13, part of our greenhouses in Wakiso were disinfected with metam sodium. Entirely according to safety regulations, this part was locked down and hermetically sealed with plastic, including the neighboring compartments. A number of workers erroneously didn't follow safety instructions, however, and entered the neighboring greenhouse anyway without observing the safety period."
Jacobs says that the workers did feel unwell, and have been taken to an independent clinic within half an hour. "There everyone was examined, and a few workers were even hospitalized for a few days. Ultimately, all test results are negative and doctors determined that nobody will suffer permanent damage from the incident."
Case closed, it would seem. But ten days after the Wakiso incident, another, similar incident occurred at a Royal van Zanten location in Mukono. "Workers were unwell due to the presence of residues of organic crop protection agents in the greenhouse. The safety period had initially been observed correctly, but workers handled the substance irresponsibly, and again didn't follow instructions properly."
Jacobs says that they have addressed the situation with the responsible executives. As well as this the security protocols have been tightened. "We are doing everything possible to prevent situations like these, but when people ignore security alerts and protocols and ignore orders, it becomes a difficult situation. Therefore, we have tightened the protocols and only release a greenhouse when at least two executives have conducted a double check."
The incidents are creating a negative buzz around Royal van Zanten in the local media. Andrew Kaweesi, a spokesman for the Ugandan police, for example, reported in the local press that Royal van Zanten - as well as other farms in Uganda - have been placed under police surveillance because of complaints about poor working conditions.
Jacobs regrets the situation. "Unfortunately the situation is widely picked up and reported by local newspapers who are fed by a local group trying to create unrest. We confirm that we have been in the process of negotiation with workers in regards to their remuneration and that some strikes have taken place in the past. Yet, we came to a new agreement with the workers."
Apparently there is still a group of workers who still disagree and who are now using negative and sometimes exaggerated and false publicity in order to put pressure on Royal van Zanten. "We will do everything possible to gain control of the situation again and have consulted with the local governments as well as with trade unions and the Dutch embassy in Kampala," concludes Jacobs.
Publication date: 11/2/2016
Editors: Geert Peeters & Boy de Nijs
Copyright: www.floraldaily.com