US (CA): Cut flowers on exempted host list for Light Brown Apple Moth
“Exempt host commodities” are exempt from the conditions required in the LBAM Federal Domestic Quarantine Order for interstate movement of regulated articles. The exemption is applicable only to commercially-produced commodities based on the pest mitigations provided through industry standards of production, harvesting, and packaging practices for each of the exempted commodities. Commodities that are not produced using these industry practices remain subject to the program requirements for interstate movement. New commodities added to the list are in bold font.
APHIS, in cooperation with the California Department of Food and Agriculture and local county agricultural commissioners, maintains its survey and regulatory framework to prevent the artificial spread of LBAM to other states or trading partners.
LBAM is native to Australia and has established populations in New Zealand, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Hawaii. The host range for LBAM is broad and includes more than 250 plant species.
A map of the federal quarantine area is available here.
Source: IPM in the South