US: Savor takes to Instagram to spread the word
‘With our strong Millennial following, we felt the timing was right to expand our social footprint to include Instagram,” begins Nathan Keil, Product & Marketing Manager at Pleasant View Gardens. “We recognize our audience’s passion for adventure in all aspects of their life. And Instagram is the perfect platform to present to them the adventurous side of herbs and vegetables.”
On Instagram, Savor will share its visual perspective on garden-related topics, from plant gifting, urban gardening, and herbal crafting to canning, preserving, and even inventing herb-infused specialty foods and drinks. Followers will also get a peek at some of Savor’s herbs and vegetables in action, with recipe and gardening suggestions, as well as tips on eating healthier.
“Our goal is to further support our retail partners by cultivating a deeper relationship with our audience. Showing them that there’s more to herbs and vegetables than just growing them. And the more engaged our audience becomes with Savor, the more they’ll walk into their local garden center asking for it by name.” finishes Keil.
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