"Family Garden" is the subject of Hortivation 2018"
This is what Hortivation 2018 will look like: In contrast with a classic fair, the products of the exhibitors will be incorporated into an overall presentation in the new Trend Hotspot at IPM Essen. Visitors will experience the "Family Garden" from technology via shopfitting and POS concepts right up to event gastronomy and the "Grill & Chill" in the Speakers' Corner.
The subject of the hotspot will move in the context of the trends of sustainability, biological products and time for the family. No matter whether robots which plant, water, fertilise and care for flowers in fully automatic operation or the utilisation of insects for environmentally friendly pest control - what functions in the horticultural industry can also be transferred to the garden or balcony at home. Furthermore, approaches for the commercial user are to be portrayed at Hortivation - e.g. energy-saving lighting systems for displaying goods in the garden centre or shopfitting designing techniques which raise the turnover.
Technical features which make gardening easier, e.g. mowing robots or aquaponics, will be shown here.
The presentation in which the IPM Essen exhibitors will be able to participate will be created on 800 square metres in Fair Hall 13. They will give their products into the hands of Romeo Sommers who will act as a creative curator and will put the ranges offered by the exhibitors in the limelight in a skillful way. In contrast with a classic fair, Hortivation will not focus on the breadths of the ranges of individual firms or on exhibition booths but will instead highlight the exhibitors' innovative sales ideas for individual plants and products in the form of POS presentations. The retail expert Karel de Graaf will assume responsibility for the booth construction. In this respect, the design will be oriented to shop situations such as might be found in garden centres, too. The entire fair hall will thus be provided with a uniform look & feel. Exhibitors from the Outdoor Living area with, for example, grills and garden furniture will also be able to participate in Hortivation. Daily guided tours for visitors, an attractive supporting programme in the Speakers' Corner and a catering area with space for intensive discussions will guarantee a high visitor frequency.
What will the garden centre of the future look like? The visitors will learn that in this area. Innovative shopfitting and the utilisation of light and technology raise the turnover.
Various groups of goods will come together here: Living green plants, technology and outdoor living products will make the garden an experience world for the whole family.
Any interested exhibitors will be able to select from various package solutions for their participation in the fair. The incorporation of the products into the overall presentation and an entry in the fair magazine will be included in the basic package. In addition, it will be possible to book an advertisement in the specified magazine and/or a slot in the Speakers' Corner where topical trend subjects will be introduced. Anybody wanting an exclusive presentation will be able to participate with a stand-alone area. When the booth is made available, it will be ready for occupation. With this package, too, all the other services can be booked in addition.
A place for discussions and the transfer of knowledge. In the Speakers' Corner, exhibitors will introduce their products or experts will provide information about the newest trends. A grill station will ensure catering in a genuine style.
Further information about booth registration at: [email protected]