With 38,000 rose bushes in his 6,000 m2 greenhouse, Wolfgang Weniger from the German town of Eberingen never has a dull moment. Each day, between 2,000 and 2,500 roses get cut, with a total of 45 varieties. Rosen Weniger has been around since 1964 but has been entirely focusing on the cultivation of roses since 1977. Wolfgang tells how his company has become one of the last companies standing over the years. The competition from cheap imported roses spelled the end for many other roses- and cut flower growers in the area. Although that image doesn’t conjure up a rose-colored future, Wolfgang’s daughter recently decided to join the family company.
In the (German) video below, Sonja Faber-Schrecklein takes a look inside of the family company.
For more information:
Rosen Weniger Schnittrosenkulturen
Enzweihinger Straße 40
71735 Eberdingen-Hochdorf
Telefon: +49 (0) 7042 77272