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China: Rural Yunnan enjoys a better life amid rapidly blooming local economy

When Lyu Yunxiong retired from the army in 2014, he worked as an auxiliary policeman. However, after just five months, the then 23-year-old decided to return home to grow flowers.

"I noticed local flower businesses developing rapidly. Most of the people in our village were growing flowers, and I discovered that they had all converted their dilapidated houses into beautiful big ones over the course of just a few years. That's why I thought growing flowers would be a profitable venture," says Lyu.

His choice, it seems, was a wise one, as, just six years on, he is quite satisfied with his current life."I grow 1 hectare of roses now, and earned more than 300,000 yuan ($43,830) in 2019. I don't want a nine-to-five job and growing flowers at home enables me to enjoy more freedom."

Read more at China Daily (Wang Ru and Li Yingqing)

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