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"Don’t overlook the importance of greenhouse garden center carts"

Garden center carts are a hugely valuable tool for encouraging shoppers to take their time, stock up on what they need, and maybe even grab a few additional items on their way to the register.

Simply put, good carts make for a good shopping experience. That means happier customers—and better sales.

Like most shoppers, garden center customers usually arrive with a clear plan in mind of what they’re looking for. But that doesn’t mean they won’t spot a new must-have as they’re browsing your sales floor—and when they do, you want to make sure it’s easy for them to grab and take those items with them.

That’s why it’s always a good idea to provide a few sizes of carts for your customers. Not only does every customer have their own “max load” in mind, but it’s also important to consider customers who cannot physically handle a large cart.

Read more at the Rimol blog

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