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US: Why you should grow ranunculus and anemones

"Ranunculus continues to grow in popularity as folks become more familiar with it through social media. In our zone 6a (and even a few zones colder than us), it can be grown in heated or unheated tunnels; it lasts two weeks in a vase, works well out of water for design work, and each bloom is so fluffy and full of petals that fairies could live in them", write Gretel and Steve Adams in a new piece for Slow Flowers Journal.

"Sometimes I feel bad for anemones because I think they get overshadowed by their seasonal partner (the ranunculus), while still lasting just as long in a vase, and having a look that no other flower does, so I love anemones! This year we are pushing how early and how late into the season we’ll have these blooms, planting each with multiple successions."

Read the full article here.

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