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Avocados and flowers are still the hottest ticket

Tanzania horti export potential might be $2+ billion

The African nation of Tanzania is currently exporting horticulture produce valued at more than US$780 million. However, the industry's potential is estimated to be more than US $2 billion. The money might be flowing in as new markets are opened up abroad.

Dr Jacquiline Mkindi, the Chief Executive Director for TAHA, said: "Our flagship horticultural products include avocados from the southern highlands, French beans and fresh cut flowers." According to Dr Mkindi, the hottest product on global horticulture trade at the moment are avocados, which are witnessing a great demand, with a market value of US $ 13 billion. This might go up even further, to a projected US$ 23 billion.

"So far Tanzania is the only country in the region which can supply avocados to international markets and these fruits mostly originate from southern highlands," stated the TAHA official.

It was also reported that Dubai, in the United Arabs Emirates (UAE), has expressed interest in buying black peppers (spices) from Tanzania and this provides marketing potential for horticultural produce from Tanga and Morogoro regions.


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