July 1st marks the first day of American Grown Flowers and Foliage Month (AGFM), a month-long celebration of cut flower and foliage farms throughout the country. In its fifth year, the month celebrates the contributions of cut flower and foliage farmers, their families, and their teams that work hard to bring high-quality, domestically grown products to consumers and to recognize the economic and cultural impacts provided to communities and the country, alike.
Annually sponsored by Certified American Grown (CAG) and its members, the celebration of American Grown Flowers and Foliage Month has been recognized through a Congressional resolution marking the month as a U.S. celebration. Additionally, retailers around the country are celebrating with special promotions and activities. Farms are hosting special events and workshops, selling unique and celebratory bouquets, and consumers are encouraged to support homegrown farms by looking for the Certified American Grown seal when purchasing flowers and foliage for their homes, offices, events and celebrations, throughout the month, and all year long.
Rita Jo Shoultz, Certified American Grown Board Chair and Alaska peony farmer notes, “Our American cut flower and foliage farms provide not only beauty and bounty for people to enjoy, but we are providing jobs in our communities - on our farms, for our distributors and retailers. This month celebrates and recognizes the importance of buying flowers and foliage grown right here at home, in the United States. We grow flowers and foliage in every state in the country and we hope when people are making their purchases they truly make the important decision of buying homegrown."
P.O. Box 23151, Ventura, CA 93004