Are you exhibiting or attending Cultivate'21? The FloralDaily team is looking forward to receiving your pictures. Usually, they would have been walking down the aisles to catch up with everyone to see and hear about the products and services that are being showcased. In just three days, they would usually be taking tons of pictures and gather loads of information to share in the photo report afterwards. However, this year, they cannot attend due to travel restrictions.
So, will you be visiting the show? Do not forget to take a selfie and send it to [email protected]. And are you exhibiting? Feel free to strike a pose in front of your booth and show the product you are presenting. Like the usual photo reports, our team will mention the name of your company and the products/service you are presenting.
All in all, in this way, we hope to give everyone who cannot attend the show an impression of how it has been and what's on display.