Benghal dayflower is listed among the world’s worst weeds, affecting over 25 crops in 29 countries (Holm et al., 1977). Benghal dayflower has many characteristics that make it a very troublesome weed in Florida landscapes, nurseries, and other agricultural production areas. It was first recorded in Florida in 1928 and was designated as a legally noxious weed by the U.S Department of Agriculture in 1983 (Faden, 1993).
Due to its status as a legally noxious weed, the presence of benghal dayflower on nursery property can lead to quarantines, so the identification and management are critical for nurseries. This 5-page article is written for green industry professionals and others to aid in the identification and management of benghal dayflower in and around ornamental plants.
Read the complete research at
Khamare, Yuvraj & Marble, S. & Stamps, Robert. (2021). Biology and Management of Benghal Dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) in Ornamental Crop Production. EDIS. 2021. 10.32473/edis-ep350-2021.