A fresh flower is still a living specimen even though it has been cut from the plant. Its maximum potential vase life, although acceptable in the marketplace, is short. There are many impinging forces that can interact to reduce fresh-flower vase life. As an industry, we need to be more successful in preserving the potential life of fresh flowers. However, there are well-known solutions for this. Proper harvesting and care of flowers after harvest are important to maximize the vase life and ensure a high quality product.
Maximizing the vase life of cut flowers is dependent on pre-harvest procedures too. Long before harvest, plant cultivar selection should be considered for postharvest longevity to provide the best possible cultivars for cutting. Postharvest factors like method of harvest, time of harvest, maturity stage, ethylene management, vase life enhancement, packaging ,storage and transportation has to be taken into account with almost care. More technology adaptation efforts are required to be undertaken by technology generating laboratories through a field-level program of adaptive research and community based production system.
This can be doen through better linkages with laboratories, financial institutions, and governmental bodies as a way of continuously improving of the competitiveness of the local system. Besides, the developed and promoted technology should come as low cost devices, practical and effective for use at farmer level. Apart from the adaptation the training for flower harvesting, handling, packing and transportation should be given to the growers to avoid the losses during handling of cut flowers.
Read the complete research at www.researchgate.net.
S, Vijayakumar & Singh, Shivani & Pandiyaraj, P. & O.J, Sujayasree. (2021). POST-HARVEST HANDLING OF CUT FLOWERS.