Bloomin’ Easy introduces nine new and improved varieties for the 2023 season. Combined with a dozen new Southern varieties unveiled during MANTS last January, Bloomin’ Easy’s full offering now numbers fifty-two exclusive, low-maintenance varieties. “We have another special group graduating from our trials this year,” says Bloomin’ Easy’s Founder, DeVonne Friesen. “Each brings something new and appealing to young homeowners and we’re excited to see our partners receive even greater value as they craft the best Bloomin’ Easy program for their market.”
Cinnamon Hearts Rose
Bloomin’ Easy adds the following novelties to its 2023 lineup:
● Birthday Cake Buddleia
● Blueberry Pie Buddleia
● Firefly Diervilla
● Grin and Tonic Reblooming Hydrangea
● Toy Soldier Oakleaf Hydrangea
● Cinnamon Hearts Rose
● Gumball Machine Rose
● Pineapple Fizz Spiraea
● Private Jet Thuja
Visit booth 1617 and the New Varieties Showcase at Cultivate ‘22 in Columbus, Ohio from July 17-19 to experience the latest innovations from Bloomin’ Easy.
For more information:
Bloomin’ Easy
T: 1-888-826-2355