Van Zanten is organizing its own tulip show this year: the Van Zanten Flowerbulbs Tulip Week. For a week, they will open the tunnel for everyone within the tulip sector. Interested parties can not only view the wide range of existing and new varieties (about 150 varieties have been planted) but during Tulip Week, there is also room to talk about the latest developments and the future of the Netherlands' most famous flower bulb.
The VZF Tulip Week takes place in mid-March. However, nature cannot be controlled, and therefore the exact date is not yet known. Keep an eye on the socials for updates and dates.
Van Zanten Flowerbulbs has been supplying its customers worldwide with tulip bulbs for more than 160 years, from the most famous single tulip to the newest varieties. The company not only has its own varieties, such as the Ben van Zanten tulip and the Pride series but also offers 500+ varieties from bulb growers with whom it has been working for decades.
Would you like to view the VZF Tulip Week? Bas Romijn, Jelle Riel, and Tigo Dik are happy to guide you through the tunnel. For more information, please contact: [email protected]