In January 2022, the Parfum Flower Company embarked on a journey to Tambuzi Garden Roses in Kenya. This visit went beyond their usual business endeavors and the allure of vibrant roses. It was driven by a profound commitment to climate justice for all and a desire to understand the pressing needs of the Tambuzi employees. What they discovered was a dire need for water.
Why water tanks are essential
Tambuzi Garden Roses has been cultivating exquisite garden roses in Burguret for over a quarter of a century. Over this time, they have witnessed a noticeable shift in rainfall patterns. While the overall annual rainfall has remained relatively consistent, the predictability of when and how it falls has become increasingly erratic. In response to this challenge, Tambuzi, as a farm, has diligently expanded their water storage capacity by harnessing the river's floodwaters and collecting rainwater from their greenhouses.
However, the water challenge extends beyond the farm gates to impact the employees. These individuals, residing in rural areas due to Tambuzi's remote location, face the challenge of storing water after the rains to reduce their reliance on overused rivers. Connecting them to municipal water schemes is simply not feasible.
In collaboration with the Shared Value Committee, the company conceived the Tambuzi Water Tank project. It's not just about providing water tanks; it encompasses proper installation plumbing with gutters to capture rainwater, downpipes, and taps for convenient usage.
Vision and Progress: October 2023
The initial goal for the Tambuzi Water Project was to donate 250 water tanks. Thanks to incredible generosity, the company has exceeded their expectations. As of October 2023, the Tambuzi team is diligently working to deliver and install an astonishing three hundred water tanks.
The impact these tanks will have on families and communities is immeasurable. For those of us in the Western World, it's challenging to grasp the significance fully. Let us paint a picture of life before these tanks got to Martha's home. She would rise early, work a full day on the farm, and embark on a long journey to the nearest borehole pump, often more than a mile away, upon returning home. There, she would wait in line to pay for water and then carry it back home. Depending on her daily chores, she might need to make this arduous journey up to five times.
Now, with a water tank installed outside her home, rainwater collected through our drainage system is readily available. The beauty of this initiative is that not only does Martha benefit but also the five or six neighboring families.
"In closing, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for your unwavering support. On behalf of the entire Parfum Flower Company team and, of course, the Tambuzi community, we extend a resounding "Asante" as a thank you in Swahili. Your compassion and generosity are changing lives and making a profound difference. Together, we are creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all."
For more information:
Parfum Flower Company
Magnolia 1, 1424 LA
De Kwakel, the Netherlands
Tel.: +31 297 361006
[email protected]