The representative of the flower growers of Cochabamba, Teodoro Valencia, said that this sector declared itself in a state of emergency due to the smuggling of Ecuadorian flowers entering the country, which causes harm to national producers.
He reproached the lack of control of the national authorities in the border areas, mainly with Peru, for which a commission was prepared to go to that point and verify the entry of flowers.
"Tell the authorities, especially the Vice Ministry of Fight Against Smuggling, they must stop the smuggling of flowers from Ecuador that enter through Peru. For that, we are going to meet tomorrow (Thursday) to put together commissions to go on a commission to Desaguadero," he told ATB.
Valencia regretted that the entry of flowers from Ecuador occurs during festivities in the country, such as Mother's Day, Teacher's Day, and now for Todos Santos, a date on which there is high demand for flower varieties.
Adding to this problem are the road blockades by social organizations, mainly on the roads between Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. Valencia reported that almost 50% of the flower production is destined for the Santa Cruz market and the rest for the other departments.
"Ask the authorities to provide a solution to any problem there is, an immediate solution, and ask those in the tropics not to create blockades because almost 50% of the production goes to Santa Cruz and the rest to the other departments", he explained.