Morel Cyclamen trials in the Netherlands are about to take off. During three weeks, from October 25 to November 10, they present most of their varieties in their production trials, including new, pre-intro, and experimental varieties. The trials take place at Plantenkwekerij P Mostert in 's Gravenzande. And from November 13-17, they will show their entire collection of F1 Hybrid Cyclamen in their Varietals Trials in Fréjus, France.
Yesterday, they already had their Morel team trial visit, below some pictures.
Eager to visit the trials in the Netherlands? Please contact Eric Forschelen on +31 6 30 22 08 02.
For more information:Héloïse Morel, Research & Communication
S.A.S. MOREL Diffusion
2565, Rue de Montourey
83600 Fréjus, France
Email: [email protected]