Alfa Accountants and Advisors and ABAB Accountants and Advisors are exploring a potential merger. The service offerings and client portfolios of both companies are a good match, say both firms, and the office locations of both organizations complement each other. Together, the companies have about 2000 employees.
The exploratory phase is still in an early stage, but both companies have expressed the intention to 'seriously consider a possible collaboration.'
Alternative to private equity
One of the reasons for exploring a collaboration is that both Alfa and ABAB want to be a company that is fully owned by the employees. "We see this as a good alternative to a partner structure or private equity. Through economies of scale, we jointly benefit from the necessary investments in digital products and service expansions for you as a customer. This makes it logical for Alfa and ABAB to explore how we can strengthen each other."
Depending on the outcomes of the investigation and after obtaining the necessary advice and approvals, a potential merger could take place by mid-2024.
Source: Alfa Accountants and Advisors