Terra Nova Nurseries has announced the launch of Kniphofia POCO 'Butter Brickle', the newest addition to the Kniphofia POCO series. This perennial boasts deep, butterscotch-gold flowers atop neat, stiffly upright foliage.
Kniphofia POCO 'Butter Brickle' offers significant landscape value in mass plantings and containers; it can also be enjoyed as a color spot or vertical accent in the front of the border. The new kniphofia by Terra Nova offers a variety of special uses, including being deer-resistant, heat- and humidity-tolerant, fragrant and a strong hummingbird attractor. 'Butter Brickle' displays a fast and clumping growth habit and flourishes in full sun, blooming June through October.
USDA Hardiness Zones for POCO 'Butter Brickle' are 6-9. Finishing growers should allow this variety to dry moderately between waterings in the greenhouse. The finish time from a liner to a 4-inch pot is six to eight weeks; finish time from a liner to a 1-gallon pot is 10 to 12 weeks. 'Butter Brickle' grows most actively in summer, reaching a height of 17", width of 21" and flower height of 21".
Terra Nova Nurseries has created a "Plant Profile" page and "Grower Recipe" specific to this new variety, so growers interested in orders can learn about growing habits, plant characteristics, fertilization recommendations, water requirements, and other insights provided by the breeding team. These documents can be viewed and downloaded for printing at the link here.
For more information:
Terra Nova Nurseries
[email protected]