"The quality of the exhibition was better than ever", says Jack Atombo of the Naivasha Horticultural Fair. "The weather was nice and favorable too for the duration of the fair", he adds.

Atambo took photos of the fair to give us an impression of the show. Click here to view the photos of the show take by Atambo.
This year, the Naivasha Horticultural Fair put effort into enhancing the small and medium size farmers in the agricultural sector. And it has been a good initiative as "The small scale farmers attended in good numbers and were impressed by the information they got from the exhibitors."
And not only the organization was pleased with this year's edition, the exhibitors were too. "Great Naivasha show again! Thanks to all who visited our stand." This was posted by United Selections on their Facebook page.

And during the show, more pictures were posted on social media.
Charles Mwangi posted the following pictures on his Twitter page: "It's a full house at the @nhfair. Lots of innovative farming solutions on show."

Royal De Ruiter posted the following picture on their Twitter page:

And Avinash Mokate of Continental Breeding was being photographed:

Vijay M Bhosale posted this picture on his Facebook page. "With Avinash Mokate, Satish Patil and Appaso Mane".
Also CropNuts was exhibiting at the show and shared the following pictures on their Twitter page:

And Amiran posted the following pictures on their Twitter page:

Koppert posted the following pictures on their Twitter page:

For more information
Naivasha Horticultural Fair
T: +254 726 629 666
Email: [email protected]