A flower shop with no employees?
For years, people have experimented with unmanned flower kiosks at airports and hospitals. They never really caught on for a number of reasons, but the day is surely coming when we will see mini “greenhouses” on each corner in major cities. They won’t have any staff, much like that of Amazon Lockers, and the products will be rotated to remain fresh and be temperature controlled. It is highly likely that such greenhouses will be owned or operated by a grower or a farm in South America.
The next phase could be to link the unmanned greenhouses to Uber drivers. And BAM, 24/7 unmanned flower shops with delivery. Think it to be far fetched? This is already happening in Singapore with a shop that delivers 24/7. It is also happening in San Francisco where some flower startups are using crowdsourced delivery instead of company owned delivery trucks.
by Alex Frost, Founder and CEO at FloraVina, QuickFlora