NZPPI and member nurseries are hosting a series of free myrtle rust workshops for plant producers around the North Island and Nelson in September and October.
The series is supported by HortPlus and Plant & Food Research. Each workshop will include presentations and practical sessions on myrtle rust and its management in the nursery. There will be how-to sessions on:
- Using the myrtle rust risk models in the NZPPI Plant Disease Management Platform alongside the NZPPI protocols
- Managing the different myrtle species with their different susceptibilities
- Applying non-chemical methods to reduce disease pressure.
There will also be a tour through a working nursery to put some of the risk models and protocols into a practical context. Participants will leave with a handbook of all the NZPPI Plant Disease Management Platform protocols and know how to use the myrtle rust risk models ahead of the next myrtle rust season.
The workshops are free, and refreshments are provided.
Places are limited, so register here now.
For more information:
Kathryn Hurr
Biosecurity and Technical Manager
New Zealand Plant Producers Incorporated
[email protected]