Helix Australia and Kings Park & Botanic Garden partner with SAS Resources Fund on the national launch of Waxflower Local Hero. It is bred by Kings Park& Botanic Garden (KPBGA), and Helix Australia is the commercialization partner of KPBGA to drive consumer awareness and retail store traffic. They have invested in a series of marketing initiatives promoting this compact Waxflower hybrid. This includes a segment on the Australian gardening show Garden Gurus and a prominent roadside billboard near Kings Park and Botanic Garden.
Click here to see the complete segment on the Australian gardening show Garen Gurus.
Adrian Parsons, Managing Director Helix Australia, said there has been a fantastic uptake both by our local licensed grower networks and retail partners for the sale of Waxflower' Local Hero'.
So what's so special about this Waxflower? "Waxflower Local Hero is a rounded compact plant with waxy pink flowers and grows to approximately 80cm high and 1.2m wide. Waxflower Local Hero will be available in 140 mm, 180mm, and 5-liter pots from Helix Australia's national licensed grower network."
"On top of that, these naturally compact wax plants present so well at retail and deliver a great landscape result as a hedge of lower tier planting with taller Australian native plants," he adds.
The SAS Resources Fund's mission is to assist current and former members of the Australian Defence Force and their families who suffer hardship because of their service with the Special Air Service Regiment. "We are proud to partner with The SAS Resources Fund with $1 per pot donated to assisting former members of the Australian Defence and their families."