US: Emerald Coast Growers resource guide hits customer desks, realtime online availability
“We team with the world’s best breeders to bring our customers a huge array of new varieties,” says Cheri Markowitz, Sales Manager.
With a user-friendly design targeted with grower and broker buying habits in mind, the Guide features varietal and marketing information for one of the industry’s largest selections perennials, grasses and tropicals. Paired with current and future availability updated daily on, the Guide continues to be a vital part of product selection building.
This edition adds 75 new varieties including ornamental grasses like Festuca Beyond Blue, Festuca ‘Cool as Ice’, Miscanthus My Fair Maiden, Miscanthus ‘Little Miss’, Panicum ‘Hot Rod’ and perennials including xSedoro ‘Blue Elf’, Delosperma Wheels of Wonder & Jewel of Desert varieties, Phlox ‘Violet Pinwheels’ and Sedum ‘Lime Twister’. The company’s newly patented exclusives, Stokesia laevis 'Divinity' and Panicum ‘Hot Rod’, also take center stage.
For more information
Emerald Coast Growers
T: +1 877-804-7277