Taking a mutual approach to insurance
Hagelunie was established over 100 years ago when several growers put money into a glass jar, to be compensated in case one of them had a storm or natural disasters.
Those growers worked to support each other and minimise the risks and threats faced by each other’s farms, not just their own. Their commitment to a mutual approach to insurance remains alive and well in Hagelunie today.
Risks in the greenhouse horticulture sector
Hagelunie focuses on preventing damage with respect to both existing situations and new constructions and investments. This is often the perfect time to take and implement preventive measures. Introducing preventive measures affects the horticultural company’s client’s risk profile. A good risk profile is important for your business continuity. And what’s more; less risk calls for an attractive and appropriate premium.
Rapid response in the event of damage
Insurance ‘proves’ its worth when there is damage. The related focus is on repairing damage as quickly as possible. "Our own loss adjusters are on location within 24 hours to help you limit the damage and to ensure that your company can resume business operations as soon as possible." In the case of covered damage, Hagelunie provides advanced solutions immediately if necessary, sometimes even the same day. Hagelunie can engage its local network of business contacts in order to clear debris and to repair the damage quickly and professionally. This means the grower does not have to face the situation alone.
For more information:
+31 715689977
[email protected]