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Houseplant popularity has bloomed during the pandemic

When the pandemic started, a lot of people didn’t want to shelter in place alone. So they bought plants. It’s not quite the same commitment as getting a roommate or adopting a pet, but it does require dedication.

In a recent survey of 990 people who had purchased houseplants since March 2020, 12% were first-time plant buyers. People had various reasons for buying greenery since the pandemic. Some people did it because now they had more time on their hands; others said garden stores were some of the few places open.

The majority (65%) said they bought indoor plants to beautify their home. More than half (57%) said they purchased plants to grow their own food or because they wanted to distract themselves (54%) from what was going on in the world. Others (49%) bought plants as an excuse to get more outdoor time during the pandemic.

Read more at Treehugger (Mary Jo DiLonardo)

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