Two weeks ago, florists from all over the United States came to Ecuador for a trip that was meant to educate and inspire. The trip, organized by EC Flowers and The Flower Tour, was a gateway into seeing how flowers are produced, and to meet the people who produce them. As part of this trip they visited Plantec, one of the largest rose houses in Latin America.
The first step of a rose
The Plantec team offered the florists a hands-on experience as to how a rose plant is made. This included the opportunity to hold a Nathal Briar rootstock and compare it to the Pro3 rootstock, as well as the chance to see the grafted plants and their development. "It was a totally new experience for them," comments Aviram Krell, new product manager at Plantec.
After receiving information about what a plant should look like, the florists went into the Plantec selection greenhouses. Here the group bore witness to thousands of new rose varieties, many of them very different from what a florist could ever find in the commercial market, states Krell. "We explored new colors, shapes, sizes, and textures, seeing what might be a niche variety, or the next flagship variety of Plantec."
Evaluating and grading roses
"Plantec is a huge proponent of working with florists and designers to get feedback from the opposite side of the market chain in which we usually immerse ourselves in. And our amazing group of florists did not disappoint. In our experience hall, the florists evaluated and graded over 70 different varieties."
The notes and feedback were incorporated into Plantec's selection database. "Hopefully in the near future, we will be able to introduce a selection that came directly from our client's clients," Krell adds.
According to Krell, having this back and forth, culminating in faster selections, and products that are fine tuned to the final consumer's tastes is one of the ways in which Plantec is incorporating the entire market chain to improve their product.
"We cannot wait to meet up again"
"We want to share a special thank you to Ace Berry, for leading an incredible class on a new type of floral design style."
The Plantec team also wants to share a special thank you to Sarah Khan, "for creating one of the most outstanding arrangements we have ever had in Plantec."
Krell concludes: "Every single one of the visitors we had earned a special place in our hearts, and we cannot wait to meet up again, either here in Plantec Ecuador, or the next opportunity at a show in the USA."
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