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Netherlands: Berkhout Plants starts supply of Rainbow Passion

Today, Monday September 14, Berkhout Plants will start with the supply of Pot Chrysanthemum Rainbow Passion of Dümmen Orange. They will be the ones to introduce this stunner to the market. With its passionate and colorful appearance, Rainbow Passion is a great addition to the current portfolio.

Rainbow Passion is recognized for its big, bicolor flowers. The purple and white contrast beautifully, especially because Rainbow Passion will be supplied while flowering, truly showing its ornamental value. Furthermore, Rainbow Passion has a full and strong plant habit. All of this is truly exciting and makes this variety immediately sellable to the end-consumer.

Berkhout Plants is known for its Chrysabella concept. They are also the producer of niche-product Splash Ice Star, Rainbow Passion can be ordered solitarily as well. Curious about Rainbow Passion? Take a look at

For more information
Fides by Dümmen Orange
Postbus 26
2678 ZG De Lier
The Netherlands
T. +31 (0)174 530 100
F. +31 (0)174 530 110
E-mail: [email protected]
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